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  • The Ultimate Guide to Hydration: Electrolytes, Supplements, and More

The Ultimate Guide to Hydration: Electrolytes, Supplements, and More

How to achieve more by doing less and boost performance with proper hydration.

The Ultimate Guide to Hydration: Electrolytes, Supplements, and More

Welcome to Effective Habits, a weekly newsletter where I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Today at a Glance:

  • Stop Trying To Memorize — A Good Book Will Change You

  • The Ultimate Guide to Hydration: Electrolytes, Supplements, and More

  • The Einstein Principle: Accomplish More By Doing Less

"When willpower is lacking, routine takes over."

Shane Parrish

Lights, Camera, ... Taking notes on every book you read can be a helpful way to remember the insights and ideas you encounter. However, it's important to find a balance between actively engaging with the material and not feeling overwhelmed by the need to remember everything. Good books can have a lasting impact on you and shape your perspective, even if you don't remember every detail. It's okay to not remember every specific passage or quote – what's important is how the book changes your understanding of the world and shapes your perspective. Different approaches to reading and taking notes work for different people, so find a system that works best for you.Action!

  • Incentivize the right behaviours. The goal is to inform your perspective and take actions on insights, not just to have done a lot of reading and notes.

  • Take action on good advice, but don’t follow it blindly.

  • Adapt advice to your needs and environment instead of abandoning it when it doesn’t work.

Lights, Camera, ...In this Podcast episode, Dr. Peter Attia delves deep into the world of hydration, covering everything from the science of water distribution in the body, to the importance of tonicity, and the consequences of dehydration and volume depletion. He also sheds light on the various ways we can rehydrate, including the use of electrolytes and glucose, and gives his expert opinion on the best sports drinks on the market. Whether you're an athlete looking to improve your performance or just someone looking to stay hydrated, this episode is packed with valuable information to help you stay on top of your hydration game.Action!

  • Determine your daily water needs based on your activity level, environment, ambient temperature, and humidity. A relatively sedentary adult requires roughly 2 litres of water per day, but this can increase up to 10 L/day for active individuals at high temperatures.

  • Include electrolytes, specifically sodium, in your rehydration routine when exercising or sweating heavily to prevent the risk of hyponatremia caused by over-hydration.

  • Consume glucose in addition to electrolytes for prolonged exercise (>2 hours). Besides providing energy it can also improve water absorption. Avoid sports drinks with a glucose concentration higher than 6%, such as Gatorade and Powerade, as they can be dehydrating.

  • Use urine output as an indicator of your hydration status, rather than just the color of your urine, which is not as reliable of an indicator.

  • Keep an eye on your heart rate during exercise and consider your hydration status as a possible factor if it's higher than normal.

Lights, Camera, ... Albert Einstein was able to accomplish his theory of general relativity by focusing on one project and devoting all of his attention to it. This is known as the Einstein principle, which states that we are most productive when we focus on a small number of projects and give them our full attention. However, many of us struggle to follow this principle, taking on multiple projects and spreading ourselves too thin. This can prevent us from achieving real success. To avoid this, we can do a productivity purge, where we assess all of our current projects and eliminate those that don't align with our long-term goals. This allows us to focus on a smaller number of important projects and increase our chances of success. So next time you feel overwhelmed with all of your projects, consider doing a productivity purge to channel your inner Einstein.Action!

  1. List all of your current projects and categorise them by professional, extracurricular, and personal.

  2. Identify the highest priority projects (only 1-2) based on how strongly they align with your long-term goals.

  3. Cross out any projects that can be stopped without serious consequences, and create a 1-3 week plan for finalizing remaining projects.

  4. Go at least one month without starting new projects and focus on the priority project.

  5. Repeat this process regularly to keep focus on important projects and make progress on potentially life-changing activities.


InsightTimer: The largest free library of guided meditations. Check out Jack Kornfield.


 There’s a Boeing 727 cargo plane that’s used exclusively for horse transportation nicknamed Air Horse One.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We are not liable for any risks or issues that may arise from using this information.

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