The Art of Evaluating Character

How to evaluate character, optimize protein intake, and stop worrying about productivity

The Art of Evaluating Character

Welcome to Effective Habits, a weekly newsletter where I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Today at a Glance:

  • My 8 Best Techniques for Evaluating Character

  • Optimizing Protein Quantity, Distribution, and Quality

  • Stop Worrying About Productivity (And Do This Instead)

“Pursue progress, not success.”

Mark Manson

Lights, Camera, ...
Discovering the true essence of people has been a journey paved with my own misjudgments, but from these missteps, I've gleaned invaluable insights. Enter Ted Gioia, who has, initially, favored data over discerning character, naively taking people at their word and bearing the brunt of costly consequences. Yet, through trial and error, he has honed techniques—some akin to clandestine skills—tailored for character evaluation, shielding him from undue anguish and turmoil. By diligently applying these methods, his interactions now brim with positivity, rooted in the company of dependable individuals. Moreover, these tools aren't confined to assessing others; they serve as a mirror for self-reflection. Are we fair in our dealings? Resilient in adversity? Trustworthy in the small things? These questions, uncomfortable though they may be, hold the key to understanding ourselves better—a notion perhaps the most valuable insight of all.


  1. Observe who they choose as partners in life, as it reveals their innermost desires and values more accurately than anything they say or do in public.

  2. Pay attention to how they interact with service workers, as it uncovers their true nature and can be a reliable indicator of trustworthiness.

  3. Explore their early life experiences to understand the formation of their character, as it often shapes their abilities and responses to challenges.

  4. Analyze how they invest their time and money, as it reflects their true priorities and values.

  5. Identify the traits they dislike most in others, as it often mirrors their own weaknesses and insecurities.

  6. Assess their listening skills, as great listeners possess exceptional awareness and comprehension, making them valuable assets in any setting.

  7. Be cautious if they exhibit dishonesty or cheating tendencies in small matters, as it can indicate a lack of integrity in more significant situations.

  8. Observe how they handle unexpected problems, as it reveals their ability to improvise and their core values in challenging situations.

And, perhaps most importantly, use the above to evaluate yourself.

Optimizing Protein Quantity, Distribution, and Quality
Dr. Peter Attia, Dr. Samantha Lipman, Dr. Kathryn Birkenbach

Lights, Camera, ...
Making sure you get enough protein isn’t just about meeting a daily quota—it's about strategically timing and choosing high-quality sources. Whether you're a food enthusiast or simply eat to fuel your body, protein is key for maintaining or building muscle, especially as you get older. It's the building block for new tissue, repairing old tissue, and essential for basic bodily functions. But here's the kicker: our bodies can't produce all the amino acids we need, so we have to get them from food. The standard recommendation of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight is just enough to keep the balance, but not nearly sufficient for muscle growth or preventing muscle loss, particularly as we age and our bodies become less efficient at using protein. How much you need depends on various factors like your weight, activity level, and gender, but aiming for 2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day is generally a good ballpark, especially if you're active or trying to bulk up. But it's not just about how much you eat—it's also about when and what you eat. Distributing your protein intake throughout the day helps optimize muscle protein synthesis, ensuring your muscles get the fuel they need when they need it. Think of it as hitting the sweet spot, not too much, not too little. By paying attention to the quantity, quality, and timing of your protein intake, you can support your muscles as you age, keeping them strong and functional for years to come.


  1. Spread Your Protein Intake Throughout the Day: Aim for 3-5 meals with 30-60 grams of protein each. This ensures you meet your daily protein needs without overwhelming your system in one go.

  2. Avoid Too Little Protein per Meal: To maximize muscle growth, aim for at least 25-30 grams of protein per meal. This amount triggers optimal muscle protein synthesis (MPS), ensuring your body puts that protein to work rather than burning it for energy.

  3. Focus on Quantity and Quality: Opt for high-quality protein sources like milk products, eggs, or lean meats, which provide all essential amino acids in a readily absorbable form. If you prefer plant-based proteins, beware that each individual source of plant-based protein is likely limited in some amino acids and bioavailability, meaning you’ll have to increase variety and quantity.

  4. Consider Digestibility and Absorption Rates: Choose protein sources that strike a balance between fast and slow digestion rates. While rapidly absorbed proteins may lead to quick spikes in MPS, slower-absorbing proteins sustain anabolism over a longer period.

  5. Time Your Protein Intake to Maximize Benefits: Distribute protein intake evenly across meals, ensuring amino acids are available for muscle repair and growth (i.e. no post-workout meal is necessary if your meals are no more than 4-6 hours apart). However, if you exercise in a fasted state, prioritize a post-workout meal rich in both protein and carbohydrates to maximize muscle protein synthesis.

  6. Protein Matters for Everyone, Not Just Bodybuilders: Aging increases the body's demand for protein, making it crucial for everyone to prioritize adequate intake. Resistance training synergizes with protein intake, enhancing muscle protein synthesis and counteracting age-related anabolic resistance.

Lights, Camera, ...
Forget about obsessing over productivity and shift your focus to what truly matters. Productivity systems, while seemingly beneficial, can sometimes blind us to the essence of our work. Picture this: a dull meeting, bad coffee, and a demand to quantify productivity. Sound familiar? But reducing human effort to mere numbers usually proves futile, especially for jobs where human connection and creativity matter most. We're not robots; we're human beings with complexities beyond tasks and output. While productivity has its place, fixating on it blinds us to the bigger picture. We've all fallen for the allure of self-help productivity systems, reveling in the satisfaction of ticking off tasks. Yet, did our frenzy of productivity align with our goals and values? Comparison (to the latest 'CRUSHING IT!!!' influencer) only compounds the issue; the more we quantify progress, the more joy it steals. We already possess an innate sense of what's important; we don't need elaborate systems to tell us. Embrace uncertainty, focus on what truly matters, and discard the guilt of comparison. In doing so, you might find yourself doing more of what you love and sleeping better at night. So, is the juice worth the squeeze?


  1. Ditch 'productivity porn': Bid farewell to motivational fluff and hustle hype on social media. True motivation stems from within; everything else is just noise.

  2. Clear your mind and prioritize: Disconnect from screens, grab pen and paper, and jot down what truly matters in your life, both personally and professionally. Let your instincts guide you in this introspective exercise.

  3. Embrace your inherent worth: Recognize that your value isn't tied to the number of things you get done per day. You're already amazing, regardless of your daily achievements.

  4. Focus on one significant task daily: Simplify your to-do list by placing one major goal at the forefront each day. Make it count, and consider anything else a bonus.

  5. Maintain perspective and revisit priorities: Repeat steps 3 to 5, but regularly reassess your priorities (step 2) to ensure alignment with your values and aspirations.


Numbr: A free chrome extension that combines a smart calculator and notepad. Instead of explaining it in words, just check out the demo on the website. Very handy!


Pheasant Island, a 200-meter long island in the middle of the Bidasoa River between France and Spain, swaps sovereignty every six months. Spain holds the island between February 1 and July 31 each year, and France gets it from August 1 through June 30. It’s been this way since the end of the Thirty Years’ War.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We are not liable for any risks or issues that may arise from using this information.

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