Live More, Stress Less: Tips for a More Pointless Life

How to live more pointlessly, letting yourself heal, and be more agentic

Live More, Stress Less: Tips for a More Pointless Life

Welcome to Effective Habits, a weekly newsletter where I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Today at a Glance:

  • A Short Guide to Living More Pointlessly

  • Letting Yourself Heal

  • How to be More Agentic

“In theory, consistency is about being disciplined, determined, and unwavering. In practice, consistency is about being adaptable. Don't have much time? Scale it down. Don't have much energy? Do the easy version. Find different ways to show up depending on the circumstances. Let your habits change shape to meet the demands of the day. Adaptability is the way of consistency.”

James Clear

Lights, Camera, ...
In a world where digital platforms gamify our lives with point systems, from health trackers to social media, it's important to consider the impact on our well-being. As we increasingly measure success by likes, followers, steps counts, or duolingo streaks, are we losing sight of what truly matters? We are facing the dangers of simplifying our values to fit into these scoring systems. While games can be motivating, we must be mindful of what we're prioritizing and ask ourselves: are we playing the games we truly want to play? Instead of relying solely on data-driven personal change, it's crucial to take a step back, reassess our values, and choose our games wisely.


  1. Work for true pleasure: Instead of chasing quick and easy pleasures engineered by gamified systems, strive for deeper, more fulfilling experiences that require effort and work. How can you tell if the pleasure you’re experiencing is healthy and helpful? Think of when you’ve finished something you’re proud of: a final exam, a big work project, a marathon.

  2. Reflect on your values: Take a moment to reflect on which aspects of our gamified lives truly align with your values. Consider what you would really miss if you stepped away from platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Headspace, or Fitness Trackers.

  3. Break the game: Break free from the simplistic values imposed by gamified systems and embrace the complexity of real-life values. Instead of fixating on arbitrary goals like reaching a specific step count or earning top grades, focus on the genuine experiences and connections that bring richness and meaning to your life. Examples:

    1. Rather than fixating on reaching a certain number of followers on social media, focus on creating meaningful connections with those who genuinely appreciate and engage with your content.

    2. Rather than chasing after promotions and titles in your career, prioritize finding fulfillment and purpose in the work you do, regardless of external recognition or status.

    3. Instead of striving to earn virtual rewards in a fitness app, find joy in exploring new outdoor trails or participating in physical activities that bring you genuine pleasure and a sense of accomplishment.

Letting Yourself Heal
Philip Pearlman

Lights, Camera, ...
Just as humans are born with the ability to thrive, so too are we equipped to heal and rebound from life's obstacles. Whether it's a physical injury, a setback in our career, or a personal challenge, our potential for growth is nurtured by the care we give ourselves. In a world that values constant productivity and improvement, listening to your body's needs is paramount. When injury strikes, don't push through; instead, rest, nourish, and care for yourself. Practice "Resilience Stacking" – the cumulative effect of practicing multiple healthy behaviors over time, where each step towards healing compounds into a stronger, more resilient you. By prioritizing rest, nutrition, friends & community, and daily movement, you pave the way for a swift recovery and a return to strength. Let your journey from injury to vitality be a testament to the remarkable ability of the human body to heal and thrive.


  1. Tune into Your Body: Start by actively listening to your body's signals. When it indicates pain or discomfort, prioritize rest and continue to listen attentively throughout the healing process. This practice, often neglected in today's fast-paced world, reconnects us with the wisdom our bodies inherently possess.

  2. Build Resilience: Proactively care for your physical and mental well-being to fortify yourself against life's challenges. Create a Resilience Stack comprising essential factors like nutrition, sleep, exercise, relationships, and meaningful work, ensuring that you're equipped to bounce back stronger from setbacks.

  3. Practice Patience: Cultivate patience as a powerful tool for navigating difficult situations. While it can be challenging to halt activities we enjoy, embracing patience allows us to endure and persevere, ultimately leading to better outcomes.

  4. Embrace Generalizability: Recognize that the principles of healing and resilience extend beyond physical injuries. Whether facing emotional, social, or economic setbacks, prioritize self-awareness, rest, and time for recovery. By honoring our experiences and allowing ourselves to heal, we pave the way for growth and renewal in all aspects of life.

Lights, Camera, ...
Unlocking the power of radical agency isn't about being born with it, but rather cultivating a determination to make things happen. In her journey, Cate Hall, once a Supreme Court advocate and the world's top female poker player, found that identifying real edges (things you are willing to do that others aren’t, often because they’re annoying or unpleasant) led to remarkable achievements. From founding companies to leading a pandemic medicine startup to record-breaking success, Hall's key to success lies in finding and exploiting overlooked advantages, like mastering physical reads in poker. She argues that agency is the ultimate life enhancer, accessible to all and never too late to learn, empowering individuals to shape their world according to their desires, whether professionally, relationally, or aesthetically.


  1. Court Rejection: Stretch your limits by asking for things that might seem unreasonable, embracing rejection as a tool for growth. Whether it's applying for jobs beyond your reach or daring to propose ambitious ideas, court rejection to refine your understanding of what's achievable and build resilience against setbacks.

  2. Seek Real Feedback: Seek genuine insights from those who know you best, creating avenues for anonymous feedback to encourage openness. By actively seeking constructive criticism, you unlock invaluable opportunities for self-improvement and personal growth, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development.

  3. Increase Your Surface Area for Luck: Increase your exposure to serendipitous opportunities by connecting with diverse individuals, even when the immediate relevance is unclear. Embrace randomness in networking, as some of the most fruitful collaborations often emerge from unexpected encounters, amplifying your chances of stumbling upon transformative insights and partnerships.

  4. Assume Everything is Learnable: Adopt a mindset that views most skills and traits as learnable, investing effort into mastering them like any other subject. Whether it's cultivating confidence, charisma, or resilience, approach personal development with the belief that improvement is attainable through dedicated practice and learning from diverse sources.

  5. Learn to Love the Moat of Low Status: Embrace the discomfort of being a novice as you venture into new territories, recognizing it as a necessary phase of growth. Crossing the moat of low status involves accepting temporary incompetence or failure, but it's in this space of vulnerability that profound learning and resilience are forged, enabling you to thrive amidst uncertainty and adversity.

  6. Don’t Work Too Hard: Guard against burnout by setting boundaries and honoring periods of rest and rejuvenation. Recognize that relentless grind can stifle creativity and erode long-term productivity, making it essential to establish limits on work hours and dedicate time to recharge. By prioritizing well-being, you safeguard your agency and sustainably pursue your goals with clarity and vigor.


Greyscale Mode: We all need to fight back against the phone addiction that is destroying our attention and focus. Grayscale Mode is an easy setting change on your phone (Android or iOS) that removes the colors to make your phone immediately less appealing and addicting. Follow the link and scroll down for the easy steps.


Dirt is halfway in size between an atom and the Earth.

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