Ready to Level Up Your Planning Game? Let's Dive In!

How to plan better, fight against the acceleration of addictiveness, and dry your hands properly

Ready to Level Up Your Planning Game? Let's Dive In!

Welcome to Effective Habits, a weekly newsletter where I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Today at a Glance:

  • The Acceleration of Addictiveness

  • The Dirty Truth About Hand Dryers

  • How to Be a Better Planner: Avoid the Planning Fallacy

“People commonly use the word "procrastination" to describe what they do on the Internet. It seems to me too mild to describe what's happening as merely not-doing-work. We don't call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of working.”

Paul Graham

Lights, Camera, ...
In a world where addictive tendencies are accelerated by technological progress, the line between what we want and what we want too much is blurring. From cigarettes to social media, the concentrated forms of our desires are becoming more potent and pervasive. While technological advancements bring a lot of positive outcomes, the reality is that we're navigating a landscape where more of what we enjoy can lead to harmful dependencies. Legislation and public awareness campaigns may eventually curtail the prevalence of certain addictions, as seen with smoking, but the process often lags behind the rapid emergence of new, more potent addictive substances and behaviors. From avoiding smartphones to embracing slow-paced activities like hiking, we must craft our own defenses against the onslaught of (digital) temptation. As we forge our paths in this addictive era, saying no and avoiding “standard” behavior may become our most powerful tool for reclaiming control over our lives.


  1. Practice Moderation: Evaluate and consider limiting your exposure to addictive technologies, substances, or activities that may foster dependency. While blanket prohibition measures akin to past failures like US prohibition or the war on drugs may not be the solution, finding a middle ground between embracing progress and curbing harmful addictive tendencies is essential.

  2. Challenge Conventional Norms: Embrace the likelihood of being perceived as unconventional or eccentric when navigating uncharted territories where societal norms are lacking. Acknowledge that in a world where addictiveness is accelerating, unconventional approaches may be necessary to effectively combat dependency and accomplish goals. (Not using a smart phone nowadays may seem eccentric, but so was not smoking in the not so distant past)

“Unless the rate at which social antibodies evolve can increase to match the accelerating rate at which technological progress throws off new addictions, we'll be increasingly unable to rely on customs to protect us. Unless we want to be canaries in the coal mine of each new addiction—the people whose sad example becomes a lesson to future generations—we'll have to figure out for ourselves what to avoid and how. It will actually become a reasonable strategy (or a more reasonable strategy) to suspect everything new. In fact, even that won't be enough. We'll have to worry not just about new things, but also about existing things becoming more addictive.”

Lights, Camera, ...
While we often hear that handwashing is crucial, drying our hands properly is equally important in preventing the spread of illness. Research suggests that paper towels trump high-speed jet air dryers, which can disperse viruses up to 60 times more than warm air dryers and a whopping 1,300 times more than paper towels. Stick to the old-fashioned method to keep your hands cleaner and healthier. So next time you’re in a restroom, opt for paper towels over hand dryers to ensure you're hands actually stay clean after washing them.


  1. Choose Paper Towels: Opt for paper towels over high-speed jet air dryers or warm air dryers in public restrooms to minimize the spread of germs.

  2. Thorough Handwashing: Follow CDC guidelines for effective handwashing, including using warm or cold water, lathering with soap for at least 20 seconds, and rinsing under clean, running water.

Lights, Camera, ...
Tired of your plans going off-track? Ever feel like you're in a loop of setting goals and missing the mark? Welcome to the world of the planning fallacy! From personal trips to work projects, this sneaky cognitive trap lurks everywhere, leading us to underestimate time, costs, and risks. But fear not! By understanding the culprits behind it—like the optimism bias and confirmation bias—and embracing realism over blind optimism, you can navigate your plans with purpose and resilience. So, next time you embark on a new project, remember: a plan is your map, not your territory. It's time to steer clear of the planning fallacy and chart your course with confidence.


  1. Raincheck the Sunshine Forecast (Be Realistic, Not Over-Optimistic): Assess potential hurdles and hidden costs before diving headfirst into your plans. By balancing optimism with a dose of realism, you'll be prepared for whatever weather comes your way.

  2. Think LEGO: Build With Blocks (Break it Down!): Tackling a big project all at once is like trying to devour a whole pie in a single bite—it's overwhelming. Instead, think like a LEGO architect and break your project into manageable blocks. Start by defining clear milestones and tackling them one by one. Celebrate each small victory, and before you know it, you'll have built a successful project from the ground up.

  3. Learn from the Past (Analyze Similar Projects): Don't rely solely on wishful thinking; dive into the data vaults of past projects to ground your plans in reality. Analyze the successes and failures of similar endeavors to gain valuable insights. By learning from history, you'll be better equipped to navigate the challenges and surprises that lie ahead.

  4. Seek Outside Perspectives (Fresh Eyes, Clear Vision): When you're knee-deep in a project or planning, it's easy to overlook potential pitfalls. That's where a fresh pair of eyes can make all the difference. Invite someone from outside your bubble to provide unbiased feedback and spot blind spots you may have missed. Embracing criticism ensures your plan is robust and ready to weather any storm.


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Human fingers can detect objects as small as 13 nanometers. If your finger was as large as the Earth, you could sense the size difference between a house and a car..

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