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  • Ready to Focus? Your Guide to a High-Concentration Lifestyle!

Ready to Focus? Your Guide to a High-Concentration Lifestyle!

How to improve attention span, get healthier in 2024, and shift to a telescopic perspective

Ready to Focus? Your Guide to a High-Concentration Lifestyle!

Welcome to Effective Habits, a weekly newsletter where I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Today at a Glance:

  • In Praise of the Telescopic Perspective: A Reflection on Living Through Turbulent Times

  • 9 Ways to Get Healthier in 2024 Without Trying Very Hard

  • How to Improve Attention Span and Productivity Amid Distractions

“If your expectations grow faster than your income you’ll never be happy with your money no matter how much you accumulate.”

Morgan Housel

Lights, Camera, ...
Amidst the challenges of a tumultuous year, both politically and personally, finding solace in a telescopic perspective becomes essential. Reflecting on the Voyager spacecraft's journey, carrying a time-capsule of human spirit into the cosmic vastness, reminds us of our shared essence. The Golden Record, with greetings, images, and music, aimed not just at potential extraterrestrial audiences but at mirroring humanity's best back to itself. The iconic "Pale Blue Dot" image, taken on Valentine's Day 1990, offers a humbling view of Earth—a grainy pixel suspended in space, serving as a timeless reminder that our conflicts and struggles unfold on a minuscule pixel in the vastness of space. In a world dominated by immediate concerns, embracing a cosmic viewpoint invites us to question the proportion of our attention devoted to actually significant milestones in the world and emphasizes the importance of stepping out to contribute meaningfully to our present moment.


  • Cultivate a Telescopic Perspective: Acknowledge the limitations of being wholly consumed by the present moment. Take intentional breaks to take a step back and gain perspective, then re-engage with a renewed focus on contributing meaningfully to the challenges of our time or ones that truly matter to you.

Lights, Camera, ...
Embarking on a journey to a healthier lifestyle doesn't have to be overwhelming. In the latest exploration of well-being, experts have uncovered practical ways to enhance your health without intense workouts or drastic changes. From embracing non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) to discovering the power of fiber-rich foods, NPR’s insights from 2023 offer a roadmap to a healthier you. Check out the original article if you want to dig deeper on each of the actions below.


  1. Stay active without hitting the gym: Increase daily activities like sweeping, walking, climbing stairs, or even desk leg movements to boost non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) for improved health.

  2. Boost satisfaction with fiber-rich foods: Enhance satiety hormones by incorporating fermentable fiber found in oats, rye, whole wheat, and legumes into your diet, providing lasting fullness and numerous health benefits.

  3. Embrace small acts of joy: Accumulate well-being through simple moments, like chatting with strangers, reframing bad days, and connecting with nature.

  4. Outsmart dopamine and screens:

    1. Wait 5 minutes: Allow time for dopamine surges to subside by removing triggers.

    2. Make microenvironments: Control access to devices by creating specific spaces and schedules.

  5. Combat loneliness through creativity: Break isolation by engaging in creative activities, as shown by research linking art to reduced stress hormones and increased feel-good hormones.

  6. Find an affordable therapist: Navigate the therapist search with persistence and flexibility, considering available options that fit your needs and budget.

  7. Cut back on ultraprocessed foods: Recognize and reduce consumption of unhealthy ultraprocessed foods.

  8. Manage back and neck pain: Counteract the effects of prolonged screen use with short movement breaks throughout the day.

Lights, Camera, ...
In a world flooded with distractions, from constant digital stimuli to environmental factors, maintaining focus and productivity is increasingly challenging. Short attention spans, exacerbated by excessive screen time and tech overload, hinder work performance and decision-making. Environmental factors like noise and clutter also play a role, while biological and psychological factors such as ADHD, stress, and sleep deprivation can contribute to attention challenges. The impact extends beyond work, affecting daily tasks and personal enjoyment. However, optimizing your environment, addressing medical conditions, and adopting strategies can elevate focus and productivity, providing a pathway to reclaiming your time and satisfaction in both work and personal pursuits.


  1. Take regular breaks to combat stress and enhance focus; consider strategies like the Pomodoro Technique or "technology breaks" every 15 minutes. Remember to silence distractions during breaks for optimal results.

  2. Prioritize and set clear goals to maintain focus; create a daily agenda aligned with your goals, and follow tips like being specific, setting measurable goals, and avoiding multitasking for enhanced productivity.

  3. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation, deep breathing, body scans, journaling, gratitude practices, and guided imagery, to improve attention span and reduce distractions.

  4. Optimize your working environment by decluttering physical and digital spaces, using noise-canceling devices, leveraging natural light and plants, having a designated work area, and implementing digital detox during work hours.

  5. Enhance attention span through lifestyle changes, including regular physical exercise (aim for at least 150 minutes per week), a balanced diet with whole foods and hydration, and prioritizing quality sleep with consistent sleep schedules and a conducive sleep environment.


Cloaked: A tool that allows you to achieve privacy by making your data invisible by generating unlimited identities. With unique sets of functional contact and log in credentials (phone numbers, emails, etc.) that protect your personal info, it's impossible for companies to build a central profile on you.


Chainsaws were first invented for childbirth. It was developed in Scotland in the late 18th Century to help aid and speed up the process of symphysiotomy (widening the pubic cartilage) and removal of disease-laden bone during childbirth. It wasn’t until the start of the 20th Century that we started using chainsaws for woodchopping.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We are not liable for any risks or issues that may arise from using this information.

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