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Unlock Your Best Year Yet: 7 Game-Changing Questions for Personal Growth!

How to conduct a personal annual review, stop arguing to enhance relationships, and reduce snacking calories

Unlock Your Best Year Yet: 7 Game-Changing Questions for Personal Growth!

Welcome to Effective Habits, a weekly newsletter where I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Today at a Glance:

  • Score Your Spats: How to Stop Arguing and Enhance Your Relationships

  • Adults Eat A Meal's Worth of Calories of Snacks in A Day

  • The Personal Annual Review

“Eventually, we will realize that memorizing the internet doesn’t lead to intelligence.”

David Magerman

Lights, Camera, ...
Transform your relationships with a simple yet potent tool: the 1 to 10 question. Instead of getting lost in never-ending debates, start asking, "How important is this to you on a scale of 1 to 10?" This straightforward approach provides clarity, reduces misunderstandings, and strengthens bonds. Backed by research on Projection Bias, it counters assumptions by offering a clear expression of feelings and priorities.


  1. Clarify preferences with the "1 to 10" question: When faced with a disagreement, ask your partner "How important is this to you on a scale of 1 to 10?" For instance, in a home design discussion, you could use this approach to streamline decision-making. Example: Her: “How about this couch color?” Me: “Two.” Her: “Alright, I value it at a 6, so I’ll go with this color.”

  2. Resolve conflicts by comparing importance ratings: If there's a difference of three or more points between your ratings, the person with the higher score typically decides. If both rate 8 or higher, engage in a deeper discussion. Fortunately, such scenarios are rare.

  3. Recognize when and when not to apply it: Be aware of the scope of the "1 to 10" question—it thrives in close relationships like spouses, children, friends, or long-term associates. Avoid using it in zero-sum negotiations, such as selling a house. Be mindful of potential misuse, where someone may exaggerate feelings, turning it into a litmus test for trust.

Lights, Camera, ...
US adults are consuming nearly a quarter of their daily calories from snacks, with these snacks contributing one-third of daily added sugar, according to a study analyzing data from over 20,000 people. The research reveals that Americans are consuming 400 to 500 calories in snacks a day, often surpassing breakfast intake, but offering little nutritional value. The study emphasizes the need for a shift towards healthier snacking patterns, advocating for dietary education to improve habits before the onset of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes. The findings highlight the importance of considering the overall nutritional content of snacks, urging people to plan their snacking habits as thoughtfully as their main meals for a well-rounded diet.


  1. Plan Snacks Proactively: Consider snacks as part of your daily dietary planning, similar to meals. Be mindful of what is available in your environment and make informed choices.

  2. Prioritize Whole Foods: Opt for snacks with higher nutritional quality, including fruits, vegetables, and protein, to create well-rounded, satiating options.

  3. Shop with Snacking in Mind: Plan for snacks while grocery shopping, ensuring that your home environment supports healthier snacking habits. I.e. Make sure to only have healthy or no snacks at home. You only need to be strong once while shopping instead of constantly willing your way to not eating unhealthy snacks at home.

Lights, Camera, ...
Reflecting on the past year is crucial for personal growth, and the Personal Annual Review provides a powerful framework to make this introspection meaningful. The seven key questions, ranging from mindset shifts to energy management and facing fears, guide you to evaluate your experiences and draw valuable insights. Identify the "boat anchors" in your life, minimize energy-draining activities, and confront fears that held you back. Embrace both hits and misses, celebrating achievements while learning from setbacks. The review concludes by emphasizing the importance of continuous learning. Conducting this review can be a transformative exercise, offering a roadmap for personal development and setting the stage for your best year yet. So, as the new year starts, take the time to reflect, learn, and plan for a brighter future.


Conduct a personal annual review by answering these 7 questions:

  1. What perspectives did I shift this year? Recognizing that successful individuals thrive on asking insightful questions rather than having all the answers, this review challenges you to identify your own "software updates" and rethink previously held beliefs.

  2. What energized me this year? Utilizing the Energy Calendar framework, assess your yearly schedule to identify activities, people, or projects that consistently fueled your energy. By noting these positive contributors and ensuring they receive ample attention in the coming year, you can enhance your overall well-being.

  3. What drained my energy this year? Continuing the calendar examination, this question prompts you to pinpoint activities or interactions that consistently depleted your energy. With a goal to minimize time spent on these energy-draining aspects in the future, you acknowledge and plan to address issues such as excessive calls or late dinners.

  4. Who impeded my progress this year? Identifying "boat anchors"—individuals hindering personal growth— you can recognize the importance of distancing yourself from those who belittle accomplishments or instill negativity. Acknowledging the need for a mindset shift, you should prioritize minimizing the energy given to individuals who may have played a positive role in the past but now hinder progress.

  5. What did fear prevent me from doing this year? Encouraging a confrontation with fears, this question prompts you to deconstruct the downsides and upsides of actions you avoided due to fear.

  6. What were my successes and failures this year? Encouraging a balanced perspective, this question prompts you to list both hits and misses, reflecting on the factors contributing to each.

  7. What did I learn this year? Recognizing the importance of continuous learning, this final question prompts you to reflect on lessons gained throughout the review.


How Long to Read: A book search engine that helps you find out how long it will take to read books and provide reading time data that is tailored to you.


Hippos can’t swim. Hippos really do have big bones, so big and dense, in fact, that they’re barely buoyant at all. They don’t swim and instead perform a slow-motion gallop on the riverbed or on the sea floor. In fact, hippos can even sleep underwater, thanks to a built-in reflex that allows them to bob up, take a breath, and sink back down without waking.

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