Are We Too Busy To Do The Things That Truly Matter?

How to combat busyness, eliminate knee pain, and make a tedious to-do list more enjoyable

Are We Too Busy To Do The Things That Truly Matter?

Welcome to Effective Habits, a weekly newsletter where I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Today at a Glance:

  • Are We Too Busy to Enjoy Life?

  • Obliterate Knee Pain, Rehabilitate Injury, and Regain Full Range of Motion in Your Ankles, Knees, and Hips

  • Facing a Tedious To-Do List? This Trick Could Make It Easier

“If you let motivation dictate your actions, inertia conspires to keep you in place. Action creates progress. Progress creates momentum. Momentum creates motivation.”

Shane Parrish

Lights, Camera, ...
In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of busyness, using it as a shield to avoid confronting the deeper questions of life. While some have no choice but to stay busy to make ends meet, many of us have the luxury of managing our time differently. However, we often rush from one task to another without pausing to ask if we're truly enjoying life. Research shows that we tend to keep busy even when the activities feel meaningless, using it as a numbing strategy to evade life's truths. Being busy can be a defense mechanism, but it's essential to question whether it's helping us grow and fostering our well-being. Instead of focusing solely on productivity, we should consider the quality of our work and its impact on our mental and physical health. Time is like a river, and if we're too busy to enjoy life's precious moments, they'll slip away. It's never too late to redefine what "time well spent" means to us and make room for these moments, ultimately giving a valuable gift to our future selves. So, the next time you're tempted to say, "I'm too busy," take a moment to reflect on whether that busyness truly aligns with your long-term goals and happiness. Don't let the illusion of productivity rob you of the joys of life; make the most of your fortunate situation.


  1. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity: Instead of glorifying busyness, focus on the quality of your experiences and their impact on your well-being. Ask yourself whether your tasks enrich your life and recognize that with effective priority setting you can have empty spots on your calendar while still achieving your goals.

  2. Reevaluate "I'm Too Busy": When tempted to decline opportunities to learn or spend time with loved ones with the excuse of being "too busy," take a moment to assess whether this busyness genuinely aligns with your long-term priorities and passions.

  3. Embrace Time Well Spent: Make an effort to define what "time well spent" means to you and actively create space for activities that bring joy, such as learning something new or cherishing moments with friends and family.

Lights, Camera, ...
In the quest for pain-free movement and injury prevention, a common myth holds that your knees should never extend past your toes. However, it's time to rethink this notion. Strengthening your legs and improving motion efficiency can significantly enhance your overall mobility and reduce the likelihood of pain and injury. You don't need to devote a separate workout to it – simply incorporate leg-focused exercises like Tibialis Raises, FHL Calf Raises, and KOT Calf Raises into your existing routine during rest intervals. These low-impact movements can quietly contribute to the well-being of your knees, ankles, and hips, offering you greater flexibility and comfort in your daily activities.


  • Here are some actions to incorporate into your routine for improved leg strength and mobility:

    1. Tibialis Raises: Stand with your back against a wall, legs straight. Flex your toes up toward your knees, hold for 2 seconds, and repeat for 20-25 reps per set. Adjust the distance from the wall to increase the difficulty.

    2. FHL Calf Raise: Place your hands against a wall and move your feet until your heels are slightly off the ground. Perform calf raises without bending your knees or hips. Aim for 20-25 reps per set, adjusting the distance from the wall for intensity.

    3. KOT Calf Raise: Stand an arm's length from a wall with knees over your toes. Flex your ankles up in a calf raise motion. Keep knees, hips, and shoulders in a straight line. Do 20-25 reps per set and progress to single-leg KOT Calf Raises when ready.

    4. ATG Split Squat: Challenge ankle and knee mobility while lengthening hip flexors. Adjust front foot elevation and back foot position for comfort. Perform 5 sets of 5-10 reps per side.

    Unlock your hips, hamstrings, and lower back with these stretches:

    1. Elephant Walk: Reach your hands to the floor and extend or pedal each leg one by one. Adjust your hand distance to your flexibility. Aim for 15-30 reps per side.

    2. Couch Stretch: Use a pillow under your knee and prop your back leg on a surface. Maintain a neutral spine and slightly engage your abs. Hold for 30-90 seconds per side, adjusting your position as flexibility improves.

    3. Pigeon Stretch: Aim for a 90-degree bend in your knee on the floor or a table. Lean in different directions to target various hip areas. Hold for 30-90 seconds per side.

    NOTE: You’ll find pictures in the original article.

Lights, Camera, ...
Feeling overwhelmed with a daunting to-do list? Here's a clever strategy to make it more manageable and end your day on a positive note. According to a recent study, known as the 'easy addendum effect,' strategically completing easier tasks after tackling difficult ones can make the entire experience feel less exhausting. Researchers discovered that placing lighter activities at the end of a task list leverages the recency effect, where people tend to judge overall difficulty based on their most recent experiences. While this approach may not work for extremely complex or time-consuming tasks, it's a simple way to boost your satisfaction and motivation in your daily routine, making your workload feel less like a slog and more like a breeze.


  1. Rearrange your daily tasks to end with easier ones for a more satisfying workday. For instance, after handling complex work emails, finish your day by planning a fun team outing or choosing a restaurant for an upcoming event.


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