How To Have More Fun

How to have more fun, get things done, and get healthier without workouts, and ge

How To Have More Fun

Welcome to Effective Habits, a weekly newsletter where I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you live a happy, healthy, and productive life.

Today at a Glance:

  • How to Start Having More Fun

  • There's a Way to Get Healthier Without Even Going to a Gym. It's Called NEAT

  • Get It Done

“Curiosity is the cure to social anxiety. When you’re focused on discovering who they are, you will stop worrying about what they think about who you are.”

Mark Manson

Lights, Camera, ...
In today's fast-paced world, finding joy and fun is essential for your well-being, backed by research showing its psychological and physical benefits. Fun can range from simple pleasures to enriching activities, but it's crucial to avoid unhealthy escapism. Incorporating fun into your life can prevent burnout, increase productivity, boost energy, and increase resilience. By embracing regular, enjoyable activities, you can unlock your potential and contribute to a happier, healthier, and more productive society.


  1. Challenge Beliefs: Examine and reframe limiting beliefs about fun; view it as an opportunity for growth, positive outlook, and lasting memories, shifting from productivity-centric thinking.

  2. Bundle Activities: Combine routine tasks with enjoyable activities to make mundane chores engaging; pair exercise with social interactions and use temptation bundling to associate rewarding behaviors with fun.

  3. Embrace Variety: Integrate novel experiences into your routine to spark curiosity, combat boredom, and stimulate your mind; engage in active leisure activities to enhance cognitive health.

  4. Explore and Commit: Explore a range of fun options, commit by scheduling them in advance, involve others to strengthen accountability, and maintain work-leisure boundaries.

  5. Practice Grateful Reminiscing: Reflect on past joyful experiences and express gratitude for them; keep a gratitude journal, share memories with others, and enhance your overall sense of contentment.

Lights, Camera, ...
Want to boost your health without hitting the gym? Say hello to NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis), a simple concept that's about incorporating movement into your daily life. Those small actions like walking to the corner store, standing while on calls, or even pacing around during work can add up to burn calories and improve your metabolic health. NEAT complements structured exercise and targets the 30-40% of daily energy expenditure that isn't fixed, making it an untapped resource for weight management and overall well-being. So, skip the shortcuts, stand more, take the stairs, and embrace the power of NEAT – it's available to everyone and can make a big difference in your health journey.


  1. Eliminate Sedentary Shortcuts: Focus on identifying and eliminating shortcuts that discourage physical activity. Prioritize actions that align with your natural urge to move and avoid sedentary habits.

  2. Maximize Work Movement: Capitalize on your work hours by adopting strategies to boost NEAT. Consider using a standing desk, walk during meetings, and opt for a parking spot farther away.

Get It Done
Andrew Bosworth

Lights, Camera, ...
In your quest to achieve important goals, remember that the key isn't just doing your best—it's about getting things done. Don't hesitate to seek help from your leaders when needed. Often, involving them strategically can solve challenges more efficiently and build trust. While some issues might require their input, even those that don't can benefit from their insights. Ultimately, it's better to ask for help and succeed than to struggle silently.


  1. Prioritize Getting It Done: Instead of just doing the best you can do on your own or aiming for perfection, focus on accomplishing the task at hand.

  2. Leverage Leaders: Don't hesitate to involve your leaders when necessary; seeking help is a strategic move.


Capacities: Like an artist's studio, Capacities is a place for all your information. It stores your knowledge and can resurface it, right when you need it. It’s your own studio to collect, connect and reflect – a place to make sense of the world and to create amazing things.


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Disclaimer: The information provided in this newsletter is for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult a medical professional for advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We are not liable for any risks or issues that may arise from using this information.

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